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Remy Marin

Senior Vice President
New York

Remy Marin is a Senior Vice President at Prosek Partners specializing in investment management, with deep expertise in private markets and credit. She also leads Give Back, Prosek’s corporate volunteer and charitable giving group. 

Remy has a strong track record of developing and running strategic communications programs to build brand narratives and support business development through media relations, creating and promoting thought leadership content, conference engagement, digital marketing and social media. Remy also works with many of Prosek's cross-Atlantic private markets clients looking to build a cohesive global story with targeted regional campaigns that reach US investors.

Prior to joining Prosek in 2016, Remy worked in-house at Deutsche Bank managing PR for their Global Markets Research business in the Americas. While there, she coordinated and secured all print and broadcast media opportunities and inquiries for the business as well as supported the Asset Management Research business. Remy earned her BA with Honors in English Literature and Language from Skidmore College with a minor in dance.

Q & A

What are you most proud of in your career?
The first time I cried at work was when my first managee was promoted to Account Supervisor – I take so much pride in working with Prosek’s rising talent and love contributing to and celebrating their wins. As I have grown from an AE to SVP, I have also loved becoming a close partner to clients and watching how we can grow their profile and business over years working together.

Name one thing most people don’t know about you.
I am a certified cat-lady – I have two rescues, Arlo and Lanai, and help take care of the local cat colony in our neighborhood. 

How would your mother describe you?
Strong-willed and a bleeding heart.

What are your greatest strengths as a communications practitioner?
I am creative, organized and not afraid of a challenge or asking questions to fully understand a clients’ needs. I have developed deep pockets of expertise in private markets, supporting European firms looking to expand in the US, conference engagement and executive visibility, which enables me to provide thoughtful, nuanced counsel.

What is your favorite food?
I have a huge sweet tooth – will always go for a bag of Haribo. I am also known to make a killer cheese plate and spend an hour picking a bottle of wine.

Describe your perfect client.
I love clients that see the Prosek team as a collaborative, long-term partner who can help problem-solve and contribute to business growth, and is open to exploring big, creative ideas. 

What three hobbies or activities do you enjoy most?
Traveling the world, Pilates with my friends and diving into a good book. I also love spending time on volunteering and service, and lead Prosek’s Give Back effort.

What’s your favorite part of the workday?
When a call or meeting turns into an unexpected brainstorm session and we walk away invigorated with fresh ideas.

Who would play you in the movie version of your life?
Emma Watson, please.

What is your favorite quote?
“Let go what doesn’t serve you.”