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What's #Trending Now? Unplugged Vacation

Vu Chung

American workers are not taking all of their vacation time. And when they do, they are not 100% off-the-clock because they are distracted by the gadgets and gizmos that connect them to the world that they have planned to leave behind. But, there is a new trend emerging to truly disconnect us from our working world: the unplugged vacation.

Believe it or not, an unplugged vacation does exist. Many resorts offer activities to help vacationers unwind such as yoga classes, outdoor activities, etc., and some take a step further by offering rooms with no phones, TV, and Wi-Fi. In fact, Google “unplugged vacation” and you’ll find a sizable list of websites that offer suggestions for best unplugged destinations. Some of these suggestions include:

Weaning off the technology while you’re away from the office is challenging, but you’ll be a better thinker if you can go off the grid for a few days. For more recommended unplugged vacations, click here and here. CJP

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