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The Harry Potter World Casts a Spell on Generations

Sylvania Tse

Harry PotterGrinning while wiping away the last of the tears streaming down my face two Friday nights ago, I walked out of the movie theater, having just watched the final installment of the Harry Potter films. I felt like I was floating along in an ecstasy bubble, amazed by the conclusion but at the same time, weighted down by depression and a gaping hole in my heart as I realized this was the end. I imagine many other devoted Harry Potter fans were facing the same conflict of emotions as the final credits rolled.

Like many others, I was wrapped up in the magic of Harry Potter and it has since become a major part of my youth. I grew up with Harry, Ron and Hermione and wished a secret magical world did exist and that the owl delivering my acceptance letter to Hogwarts was on its way—perhaps lost as it made its trans-Atlantic flight.

This deep-engrossment with the Harry Potter series is what makes it so hard to let go. “Potterheads” are faced with the daunting fact that an era has ended; many, myself included, have reached adulthood at the same time as the Golden Trio. The last movie signifies not only an end to a great franchise, but for many, it’s an end to their childhood as well. It’s time to face the “real world.” But even as we mourn the loss of our youth, we also realize that the magic never fades; the magic of Harry Potter and of our own childhood memories will live on.

I’m excited to see what J.K. Rowling has up her sleeve to extend the Harry Potter experience with, but for now, mischief managed.

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